Let us handle the hard stuff
while you focus on your success

How we respond to your needs

Whether you want to develop a project for your startup or a corporate platform, whether you need a few specialists or a large technology partner, we'll respond to your needs by developing the right solutions. These are our key features.

Detailed project

We talk. About your project, about technology, about possible approaches. Estimation and proposed solutions are always tailor-made and discussed. We do not approve the one size fits all approach.

The talent pool

We are a team of problem solvers. We’re skilled, experienced, and engaged. We’re hiring top experts. We are constantly learning, spreading knowledge, participating in building the local community of experts, and obtaining certificates.

Excellent communication

With western quality, we're ready to speak your business language. We’re close not only in the terms of distance - we share your values, goal-orientation, sense of humour and attitude.

Meeting the CTO's challenges

What's your nightmare? Recruiting a competent team? Security? Continuation or modification of the project? Need for new technologies and solutions? Credible planning and predicting? Whatever bothers you - we will help you, starting with choosing dedicated tech leads

100% Remote

When it comes to remote work, nothing can surprise us. We've been working like this for years. We use proven procedures and agile methodologies. We help our clients to implement them. Sprints, standups, reviews, calls, and feedbacks - we make sure to keep you in charge.

Reliable results

To be credible, we must be successful. We have our own startups and we receive positive customer reviews. We belong to a successful financial technology group. We know that your project must be profitable.


we dedicate to your success by following our philosophy: YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR MISSION. For any of your ideas, projects and products, do not hesitate to share with us to receive complimentary quotes and consultants.


Using Agile - Scrum - DevOps - Lean - Prototype methodologies in the process of pursuing projects, building complete software
The success of deployoptiqiq today partly due to the dedication of the talented young staff.

And to better understand these Methodologies of Software Development, explore the following content items:

Our mission and vision drive everything we do, they define us as a company and inspire all of our teammates in striving to reach their goals.


Flexible to adjust – Clients involved – Quick to operate

Agile methodology occupies a certain position in the software development process because it has the ability to turn the vision of business needs into effective software solutions and software products. As a term used to describe software development approaches, Agile methodology applies the spirit of curiosity, approach, flexible planning, team collaboration, evolutionary development, and analysis.

Deployoptiqiq uses Agile methodology for service-oriented projects, code products or design as a company standard method. We recognize the importance of customer communication and intervention throughout the project process so that we can flexibly change plans to suit the situation - especially when features are not available and the function is not complete yet, to make it easy to edit.


Honoring priority – High collaboration ability – Repetition

Scrum is an agile development methodology that focuses specifically on managing team tasks in a development environment. Scrum is derived from the activity that occurs during a rugby match, focusing on solidarity and understanding among team members. Actually, Scrum is not a methodology, it's a framework created to solve complex problems quickly and efficiently, to promote production efficiency and ability to reach out software solutions. Creative soft.

Scrum is a framework for facilitating teamwork. Scrum encourages learning among team members; from working experiences, observable points, impossible points... In order to be able to see their successes or failures, to be able to draw valuable lessons, since then continuously use the experience of continuous improvement, like a brave rugby team.

Although the IT world has always known Scrum and used it very often, not only in IT, this framework can also be applied in many other industries, for any type of work… One of the reasons why Scrum is so popular, partly because the team that applies Scrum is forced to meet and exchange information with each other continuously, often based on a meeting schedule almost every day, which entails tools and responsibilities for doing the work. work together to help teams easily structure and manage their work.


Cooperation - Transparency - Automation

DevOps is a software development technique that combines software development (Dev) and information technology operations (Ops) to collaborate throughout the service lifecycle, from design to production support.

A set of procedures that require employees to continuously support, collaborate, and develop together throughout a product's development lifecycle. It can be said that DevOps leverages Agile methodologies to achieve the ability to automate processes that previously had to be done manually, from frequently reflected challenging problems to increasing overall productivity.


Value for clients - Compact - Highly focused on the project

Leaving aside the redundant – wasteful elements and focusing only on core values, the Lean approach is a technique of directing an organization's resources and energy to a single goal: to provide value to customers. The Lean methodology focuses on promoting two key concepts, namely constant improvement and respect for people. And while the definitions of Lean vary widely according to many sources, it is fundamentally focused on a single goal: ultimate value for customers.

The Lean model actually has its roots in manufacturing. However, it is now widely used in many different fields - which in the website you are reading is a website belonging to the IT industry. It's growing popularity is due to the advantages that its core values have brought about in general business success.

From this growing popularity, Lean techniques are being used in many different industries, some of which include manufacturing, software development, and healthcare. Outside of manufacturing, the first use of Lean techniques was in software development, known as the Agile methodology. Agile software development, in its most basic form, is a Lean development technique to shorten the software development cycle.

The following two principles form the heart of the Lean approach:
- Everyone is entitled to respect.
- Improvements are underway

People who provide services or produce products, follow the Lean approach, often have the best ideas. Thus, a Lean-based company takes into account the views of those closest to the customer or the end product.


Continuous improvement - Innovation - Seamless work progress

Prototype is a systems development approach, with a prototype being produced, tested, and corrected if there are any glitches or incomplete issues. These actions will be repeated until an acceptable result is achieved, in order to bring the whole system to life. The process of “testing” – “error” and “correction” is conducted many times between software engineers and users.